Only joking! But yes, Season 3 has come to an end. In this post I want to reflect on how my season went. What were my goals at the start of the season,? Where did I place? Where did I finish? What have I learnt and what could I have done better.
Well, at the start of the season I wanted to try and break into Platinum. I finished in Silver the previous season so thought this would be a reasonable target. How wrong can one man be! But more on that in a bit.
Anyway, I played my placement games, which put me in high Silver with an SR of around 1750. I started off well, played a few games and got up to the dizzy heights of 1835 SR. "All's going well, gold here I come" I thought! Well, that was until I had a real bad day and went on a losing streak and fell all the way down to 1420!!! Damn it!!!!
I hovered around 1400 - 1500 for ages, and just couldn't seem to progress. "Surely this can't be my rank?!" Then it dawned on me - I hadn't been playing my "mains". Now this sounds real obvious, but at the time I was clueless to this fact. See, I had been playing support roles (Mercy, Lucio or Symmetra) during Season 2, and at the beginning of Season 3. But at some point (most likely when I fell to 1420 SR) I started playing DPS roles. "Surely if I'm a high silver support player, I must be a high silver DPS player"! NO man, you're not!!
Anyway, towards the end of the season I reverted back to supports (my beloved Mercy) and started heading back in the right direction. As it turns out I did manage to beat my seasonal best, and finish the season with an SR of 1873. So I didn't QUITE achieving my seasonal goal!
I hovered around 1400 - 1500 for ages, and just couldn't seem to progress. "Surely this can't be my rank?!" Then it dawned on me - I hadn't been playing my "mains". Now this sounds real obvious, but at the time I was clueless to this fact. See, I had been playing support roles (Mercy, Lucio or Symmetra) during Season 2, and at the beginning of Season 3. But at some point (most likely when I fell to 1420 SR) I started playing DPS roles. "Surely if I'm a high silver support player, I must be a high silver DPS player"! NO man, you're not!!
Anyway, towards the end of the season I reverted back to supports (my beloved Mercy) and started heading back in the right direction. As it turns out I did manage to beat my seasonal best, and finish the season with an SR of 1873. So I didn't QUITE achieving my seasonal goal!
So, what was the main thing I can take away from Season 3, and what can I do better next in Season 4?
Well, I am not a high Silver DPS player, that's for sure! But being serious for a second, I thing my main issue was setting myself a ridicules goal of trying to get two tiers above my previous tier. I now know I belong in Silver, and that's fine. I need to concentrate on improving as a player, setting smaller goals i.e. positioning, communication, aim, etc. See, if I had concentrated more on improving, and spent less time fretting over my SR, I honestly believe I could have made it into Gold and possibly Platinum.
Well, I am not a high Silver DPS player, that's for sure! But being serious for a second, I thing my main issue was setting myself a ridicules goal of trying to get two tiers above my previous tier. I now know I belong in Silver, and that's fine. I need to concentrate on improving as a player, setting smaller goals i.e. positioning, communication, aim, etc. See, if I had concentrated more on improving, and spent less time fretting over my SR, I honestly believe I could have made it into Gold and possibly Platinum.
I will be writing another post outlining my Season 4 goals. However, one thing is for sure, I will not be setting myself crazy targets!