Friday, 10 March 2017

Mercy Positioning: Tips and Tricks by Wooly Centaur


I would like to give a huge thank you to Wooly Centaur for very kindly writing this guest blog. Please check her Overwatch blog out here. There are some great articles that she has written.

Anyway, hope you enjoy


Mercy Positioning: Tips and Tricks

Overwatch 03.09.2017 -
Playing Mercy can be a dream or a nightmare, and a lot of it comes down to positioning.

First things first: I would like to thank OVA:done for having me do a guest blog here! I really appreciate it!

I don’t claim to know everything when it comes to my favorite Overwatch hero; however, I do have 430+ hours of experience on quick play alone as Mercy. A little experience can go a long way, and I am more than happy to share what I’ve learned while playing! A lot of gameplay with Mercy (or any hero, really) is situational, but these strategies normally work for me.

Without further ado,  here are my tips for positioning yourself to be a better Mercy player!

  1. Use Your Team’s Positioning To Your Advantage

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I can’t stress this enough; Mercy’s Guardian Angel ability is one of the most useful in her kit. It can be used either to get closer to allies to heal them or to escape, and I use it often. I used to have the option Toggle Guardian Angel on; however, after a recent video by Animetic, I decided to turn it off and I absolutely love it!
If you do have Toggle Guardian Angel on, make sure to press shift again to cancel your flight. I can’t tell you how many times I flew past my Reinhardt’s shield or straight into the enemy because I didn’t know how to cancel my flight!

  1. “It’s over, Anakin! I have the high ground!”

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Just like it helped Obi Wan, the high ground will help you. Taking up a higher position will not only give you a good vantage point to heal your allies, but it will often allow you an easy escape route from anyone trying to murder you and will keep you far enough away from any crowd control or zoning ults the enemy team may have, which brings me to my next tip!

  1. Don’t Get Too Close

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That’s right. While you should be close enough to your allies to heal or damage-boost them, staying right next to them can be dangerous, especially if the enemy team has any crowd control abilities (Roadhog’s hook, Orisa’s Halt!) or zoning ultimates (Zarya’s Graviton or Reinhardt’s Hammer Down). Remember, you’re the one who can res the rest of the team; they can’t res you!

  1. Be Conscious of Both Teams’ Ult Statuses (And HIDE)

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Playing Mercy takes a lot of game awareness, and being conscious of ult statuses is part of that! I try to be aware of the ults on my team and the ults that the enemy team might have; that way, I can be prepared to run and hide or stay and fight depending on what I think the enemy or our team might use next. If you think someone on the other team might be about to ult, back off and try to find a spot where you can still heal while also having a fast and easy getaway.

  1. Be Aware of Enemy Positioning

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With game awareness comes awareness of enemy positions; this is key for figuring out how to position yourself. Is a flanker attempting to come after you? Go toward the nearest ally you trust to help you, or toward the nearest health pack. Is there a Widowmaker who has the point on lockdown? Duck around corners and stay out of her sights. While it’s great to be aware of your team’s position (refer back to tip #1), it’s also great to be aware of the enemy and your immediate surroundings. If you aren’t you could get flanked or sniped or randomly charged by a Reinhardt. Which, let’s be honest, still happens to me if I’m not paying enough attention.

That’s all, folks!
I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Please comment and let me know what you think about these tips, if they help you while you play, and if you want to see more! Big thanks to OVA:done, as well; check out their blog and be sure to follow them!

~ Wooly

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