Friday, 10 March 2017

No, Not Again

So, my season isn't turning out how I had originally hoped. "No s@&£ mate! This is Overwatch we're talking about here".

My placement games went well. I won 6, drew 1 and lost 2. I was placed in high Silver around 1780 SR, which I thought was fair as my all-time season high in Season 3 was 1873 SR. 

Since my placement games I've fallen as low as 1520 SR. The worst has come over the past couple of nights, were I have lost all 10 of my last games. 

Last week I wrote a blog outlining my goals for Season 4. One of the goals was to not concern myself with my skill rating. I can honestly say I am not getting bogged down with my SR this season. But, what is really getting me down are the massive losing streaks I keep having. It's REALLY REALLY frustrating. I am sure most of you can relate?!

What's making it even more annoying is that I don't think I am actually playing that badly. "Yeah whatever you say, buddy".

Now, I am honestly not the kind of person to blame the team - honestly. I always look at what I could have done better. However, it's very hard not to judge the team when I am a Reinhardt and halfway through the game I've got a gold medal with 10 eliminations, especially when the team has a Soldier 76 and McCree. I would just like to point out, I am not even very good with Reinhardt, and only picked him on this occasion as I felt the team needed a Rein.

Please don't get me wrong, I am not saying I am some sort of amazing Overwatch player. Trust me, I know I am where I am in Overwatch because that's where I deserve to be - in Silver. But I can defiantly tell the difference between high Silver and low Silver/ bronze games.

When I was playing in high Silver, the teams felt a lot more balanced and would be more composed (or seemed to be, anyway). However, in low Silver, the teams seem unbalanced and uncoordinated. I've tried communicating to try and lead the team (again, another of my season goals), but no-one seems to communicate at lower Silver. Some of you that follow my blog know I am a support, and being in a team that's unbalanced and doesn't communicate makes it very hard for supports, like myself, to do our jobs effectively. 

"Ok , calm down, chill, it's ok" - sorry, rant over. 

Who knows, maybe I just got lucky at the beginning of the season and was put in teams that included better player than Silver? Thus making me think I am a better player than I really am?

The thing is, I just can't seem to get a win for love or money at the moment and it's getting me down. I know I need to look at myself and try to improve but I honestly don't know what to do - I am stuck. I suppose that's what makes Overwatch so interesting and fun! If it was easy we would all get bored very quickly. 

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