Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Ow......... hello stranger!

It's been a little while, but I am back. Without going into details, I've been away for a number of reasons. But finally I seem to have some time to invest into Overwatch and OVA:done again!

When OVA:done was first created I had aimed to post at least once a week, however for the same reasons as above, this just proved impossible.

So, OVA:done is going to change from my original intention. It's going to be more of a place where I visit when I have something specific to say, rather than force topics on a weekly basis.

Also, the OVA:done YouTube channel has launched recently, which you can follow here;


It currently contains several video of "new" heroes I am trying to improve on. Please feel free to leave your tips in the videos comments. Trust me, I need as much help as I can get!

Anyway, hope you continue to follow and enjoy OVA:done.
